Tuesday, December 9, 2008

'Tis the season.....

Our week is in full swing here at the Grooms house.....and we're sick! Carter and Trent have seen Dr. Abbey, and both have the Croop! Yuck. They both had a rough night last night, but breathing treatments start this morning, so hopefully, they will be back into the swing of things in a couple of days. Mason and I are still battling congestion and coughs, but are definately better off than the other two. We had to cancel our Christmas dinner and gift exchange with the Pritchards, and we're really sad about that.

I've started a big pot of homemade vegetable soup and we're sipping on homemade hot chocolate in hopes of feeling better soon. I am thankful for the "down time" though, because it allows me to spend extra time in prayer! I guess it really is a blessing!

"For I will restore you to health, and I will heal you of your wounds; declares the LORD"... Jeremiah 30:17a


Ginger said...

We missed ya'll too. Hope the boys feel better in a jiffy.

Jenny said...

So sorry the boys are sick! We are praying for you!