Monday, December 29, 2008

Guess who's potty trained??!!

If you ask me what my favorite Christmas gift was that I received, hands down it is the gift of Trent finally potty training!! He is doing great, and no accidents either!! He is still a little attached to his pull-ups for the #2 job, but today I made him throw the rest we had in the trash. He's come to me several times saying, "I want you to put a pull-up on me". I asked him, "if I put a pull-up on you, what are you going to do in it?" and he said, "poop". He totally understands that pull-ups were not made for pooping in, and that toilets were. This is the last hurdle we have to climb over, but I feel confident he will get it really soon. I think he's just testing to see if I'll break and put a pull-up on him. Ok, who does he think he's dealing with?! I'm much more stubborn than he is!! I'm really glad he's finally a "big boy"! He's a hoot!


Jenny said...

Hooray!! So happy for you! I know you've been waiting for this for a long time. Give Trent big hugs from us and tell him we are so very proud!

Amy said...

Yeah Trent!! Such a big boy now! Love you all!

Ginger said...

Stay Strong! That's right, who does he think he is dealing with? It's the Battle of the Wills. Way to go "baby" Trent. Oh doesn't that seem like so long ago?

Allyson said...

Great job Trent! I know you are thrilled!