Monday, January 19, 2009

Gettin' some "Girl time"!

Trent and I had the privilege of keeping sweet Claire last Wednesday while Amy went to have her pixs made at school. Trent loved her being here! He wanted to share his blankie with her, which is saying alot considering he won't let anyone else touch it!! He also kept getting his stuffed animals to put in front of her; he'd move them around and make them talk to her! It was so very sweet! He asked me, "Mommy, can we get a baby like Claire?" and I said, "Umm, maybe sometime!" Ok, so no, I won't be having any more babies, but Jason and I have always said we'd definitely adopt if that's where God lead us. Claire is so very sweet, and I really enjoyed lovin' on her for a while! Thanks Ms. Amy for letting us get our girl fix for the day!! We love you sweet Claire!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Aww! I love the pictures of all of you! Thanks for loving on her for the day! I love that Trent was so sweet with her!